Series Preview – Dream Again

Journey Church   -  

By Matt Dawson

‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. Act 2:17
The most recurring dream I had as a child was that I was Superman…not the adult version, just me dressed in the costume at my school, hanging with my friends, with all his powers – ready to be awesome at a moment’s notice. Anything was possible.
As an adult, I still have dreams. My dreams are different now (although, I admit, I still return to my Superman dreams every once in a while). My dreams often have to do with my family, life, or church and sometimes they entertain one of the thousand “what if” questions that fill my mind.
What if someone broke into my home?
What if someone gave me a million dollars tomorrow…what would change, what would stay the same?
What if Journey’s next building had a community center, co-op working space, pre-school, athletic gyms, and a Chick-Fil-A?
What if turtles could fly?
What if I’m dreaming right now in this dream?
I believe that when we lose the ability to dream, we lose our HOPE for the future. We stop EXPECTING that God has MORE (so much more) in store for our lives, our church, and our cities!
We begin to settle and dreams are replaced with details. Routines take over and our minds are filled with thoughts of limitations. We lose our purpose and we have little desire that goes beyond our immediate need for comfort.
However, in our deepest places we know we were made for MORE. Something in us that longs for a life of significance instead of survival.
We CAN discover what’s been LOST.
We CAN restore what’s been DIMINISHED in our hearts.
We CAN begin to DREAM AGAIN!
The future of the western church lies in the prophecy of what Peter declared would be fulfilled within the church in the last days. When God pours out His Spirit on us we would see and prophesy the TRUTH of God, our visions would bring PURPOSE to our lives, and our dreams would be fueled by the ABSOLUTE HOPE of Jesus Christ!
I hope you will join us for all three weekends of our newest series entitled “Dream Again” at Journey Church. It’s a great series to invite a friend to join you as we challenge ourselves to “experience immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine by His power at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20)