Series Preview: The Real Jesus

The Church Co   -  

By Chris Denning

Have you ever played a game of Telephone? It’s where someone starts with a phrase, then whispers it to the next person in line, who whispers it to the next person, and so on. Once the phrase travels through the line, the last person says aloud what they believe the phrase is to see how close they got. It’s usually not even close to the original.
Somewhere along the way, someone heard the wrong thing, misunderstood someone or communicated something that simply wasn’t true. There’s not much consequence for botching a game of Telephone, but this can be dangerous within the context of our faith.
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all let our biases color and shade our understanding of things, including our understanding of Jesus. Our preconceptions about who we think he is and our connotations that pop up when we hear about who He is will bend and shift our understanding of who He truly is.
In our new series, The Real Jesus, we want to take the time to look in the Bible to better understand who Jesus is, directly from our primary source. Our hope is that by better understanding the truth about Jesus’ life, personality, and values, we won’t just have a better perspective of Him, but we’ll be led to a deeper experience of the power and life Jesus provides.
Our faith is founded on a real person and on a real event that changed everything. This Sunday, we get the opportunity to not only kick off this series, but to CELEBRATE the fact that our God has overcome the grave! Easter is an opportunity to be reminded of the price Jesus paid for us, but also to be reminded of the great power of our risen King!
I believe that the more we dig in to understand the real Jesus, the more we will be captivated by His grace. The more we will be in awe of His sacrifice and love. The more we will be changed to be more like Him.
This weekend, and this whole series, is all about the ABSOLUTE HOPE we find in the very real person of Jesus. I hope you’ll join us and use the shareable we’ve created to invite every single person Jesus puts in your path this week to join you at Journey this Sunday.
Every single person matters to Jesus, so let’s not waste any opportunity to invite others to experience the absolute Hope we have in Jesus! See you Sunday at 9 or 11am to celebrate Easter together!